Clean Water Supplies

W.J. Hatt Ltd are experts at handling large-scale replacement pipework schemes of all sizes, ranging from 25mm to 125mm pipe. As part of this, we install all associated fittings, such as water meters, stopcocks, fire hydrants, standpipes, troughs, etc. We are also a Water Safe approved contractor, which means that we coordinate new connections to mains water (Thames Water and South East Water, for example) at private properties, filling out all the required paperwork and liaising with the water company on your behalf. 

Over the last 50 years we have laid many hundreds of miles of underground pipe. We carry out this work for farms, estates, allotments, studs, racing stables and schools to name but a few. We also work alongside HD Services in the construction of boreholes for private water supplies and Allsebrook Pumps when instating any pumped systems.

We specialise in laying underground pipes using trench-less technologies. Wherever possible and practical we lay all our underground pipe using either a mole plough or thrust mole. Both of these dramatically reduce ground surface disruption and the subsequent reinstatement costs. We offer a full design and installation service.

When organising replacement pipework we provide service location for any underground pipes & cables, such as gas, power & broadband. We carry out surveys of the area and repair water leaks from burst pipes. This is for both foul and storm water drainage, along with all types of water pipes.

Here’s our DITCH WITCH mole plough in action:
Mole Ploughing
Mole ploughing allows huge quantities of pipe to be laid at exactly the correct depth incredibly efficiently and with very little above ground disruption. Unlike trenching machines it does not mix the layers of soil and leave a subsoil trench mark behind.
Further information

For over 80 years, W.J. Hatt have been specialising in installing replacement pipework, as well as repairing water leaks and burst pipes. During this time we have amassed a huge wealth of experience in overcoming the difficulties inherent to this work. For example, we carry out location of services prior to starting the job to gain an overview of the site.

We work largely in the Berkshire, Oxfordshire & Buckinghamshire areas and are approved members of WaterSafe. We are also an APLUS accredited firm, which means that we are able to certify our own pipework, instead of the local water authority having to do so — this means that inspectors do not need to visit the site before holes and trenches can be backfilled. Or indeed allow the British weather to backfill them before the inspection occurs!

Traditionally, water leaks are fixed by excavating down into the suspected area. The downside to this is that under concrete or tarmac, or in poor ground, water rarely appears close to its source. Thus begins a time-consuming and expensive game of burst pipe battleships! Often, instead of this tiresome procedure, it can be more-effective to bypass the leaking pipe completely using the following methods.

Trench-less Technologies
  • The mole plough allows us to install up to 150m lengths of underground pipe between each joint. As surface disruption is minimal and there’s no excavating or backfilling involved, the installation period is incredibly fast. Once set-up is complete, it takes as little as 30 minutes to install a single 150m run of 63mm MDPE pipe. In comparison, it would take a full day to to do this with a 6-tonne excavator!
    Additionally, we easily install replacement pipework along the edges of road verges by offsetting the mole plough behind its tractor unit. As a result, roads are only out of action for a very short period of time – not closed for days on end like with traditional excavation.
  • The thrust mole allows us to tunnel under roads, concrete and paving without having to excavate at the surface. We dig small holes only every 12m and install replacement pipework while roads remain open to traffic & machinery. This keeps reinstatement costs to a minimum.
    Thrust moling is also very cost-effective because the new pipe bypasses the site of the burst pipe and the section containing the water leak is simply removed.
replacement PIPEWORK schemes for farms & estates

Our experienced team of water engineers offer a highly proficient service when repairing leaks and installing stopcocks, water meters, troughs, standpipes and hydrants to name but a few. They always carry the appropriate tools & fittings on board and use an excavator to speed up the process. More complicated sources of water leaks stem from issues including rising ground water, inadequate drainage systems, blocked pipes and choked drainage ditches. In addition to these are traditional causes for water leaks: frost damage, age hardening of pipework, incorrect use of pressurised systems, corrosion, livestock damage and ground heave or subsidence. We use our extensive expeience in burst pipe repairs to solve issues efficiently. However, we normally recommend repairing a broken pipe only once or twice. After this it is more cost-effective to install completely new pipework.